Massari & Darling LLC provides the best legal talent with opportunities in leading companies and law firms. We understand both the needs and desires of highly talented individuals contemplating enhanced career opportunities, as well as the inner workings of large law firms and public companies in search of game changing talent.

Our Unique 360 Degree View
Our founders have backgrounds as the General Counsel of an NYSE company, Managing Director at a bulge bracket investment bank, former member of the Hiring Committee at an AMLaw 50 law firm, Hiring Manager at an AMLaw 50 law firm, Manager of Operations at a leading legal placement firm, and attorney at an AMLaw 50 firm. Our backgrounds provide us a unique 360-degree view from that of both the individual and the organization looking to find talent, as well as a robust legal network and relationships developed over time and working closely together.
When the Best Matters
We maintain a selective practice so that the best legal talent and organizations know they are building relationships with focused professionals. We are revolutionizing how law firms and legal departments screen and hire legal talent through our proprietary M&D Elite Performance Screening System™, a unique system that draws on a synthesis of significant findings in performance, strengths, and personality research applied to legal service.